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06:51 GMT         Day 16 of 90, Season 69    

So a man walks into a bar ...

Written by Penn Ar Bed Cyclisme at 11:01 14/3-2013

  ... and meets the whole PABC team there.
  Because pro cycling isn't as tiring as we thought. Not enough races, especially not interesting ones where we can reasonably aim for a podium.
  Not enough money either, so training or recruiting is out of the question for now.
  We may all abandon civilian life and join some monastery, maybe the religious cycling competition will be more fun.


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So a man walks into a bar ...

  ... and meets the whole PABC team there. Because pro cycling isn't as tiring as we thought. Not enough races, especially not interesting ones where we can re...


Hey, I just signed up , and this is crazy

  But here's my Acker, who's got his first win. This is crazy indeed. Penn Ar Bed Cyclisme just set its wheel into Division 4, as Placide Acker won Blenhein - ...


We meet again, OCM rankings !

  Après le galop d'essai en division 7, nous attendions le retour de Rien Roogaars pour nous frotter à nouveau à la compétition et montrer notre valeur. La dÃ...


1e course en Div 7, 1e claque

  Depuis la montée en division 7, l’équipe n’avait pas participé à la moindre course, du fait de l’absence pour blessure de Rien Roogaars. Ce vendredi Ã...


Division 7, top 10 FR

  Avec Roogaars blessé pour une dizaine de jours, l'équipe s'attendait à un ralentissement d'activité. Kattoor - Arimbur était l'occasion de retourner grimpe...


Première victoire

  La saison 22 se poursuit conformément à nos objectifs et aux efforts fournis, puisque Rien Roogaars offre à l'équipe sa première victoire en OCM Tour. C'e...


Premier communiqué

  Penn Ar Bed Cyclisme est fière de pouvoir annoncer le franchissement d'un cap dans la vie de l'équipe. Pour cette saison 22, la volonté des coureurs, dirigea...



Penn Ar Bed Cyclisme at 22:43 14/3-2013
  But still much more affordable and better for our health and karma than doping :o)

SprintingKings at 22:12 14/3-2013
  I could gues why you are low on cash, hanging around in a bar wit hyour whole team and drinking beer is expensive.

ScotterPop at 18:38 14/3-2013
  I wouldn't bother with recharging...just race them and earn money. That way you will rise slower.
  Once you have a larger team, then recharge.

Penn Ar Bed Cyclisme at 18:35 14/3-2013
  between division 8 and the time when cash, riders flow and you're strongly set in divisions 1-2

Penn Ar Bed Cyclisme at 18:34 14/3-2013
  Oh on div 8 it'll be resultsfest. For like 2 races in a row.
  My concern is about higher div. because I'm back from, I think, division 4 or 5. I skyrocketed there without having a team suited for it, and since then I merely scored anything., and for when (like now) I try to recharge my sprinters TF. I could try and keep one active at a time, but I still feel there are some serious boring times whe

ScotterPop at 17:47 14/3-2013
  Div 8 is full of good options on almost a daily basis. Give your boys a chance!

NightmareChaos at 12:07 14/3-2013
  Your in div 8. With 2 good sprinters
  And no races for your team?????

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